About the Institute of Criminal Justice at University of North Carolina

At the Institute of Criminal Justice, our mission is to prepare professionals who uphold the principles of justice, safety, and integrity. Our distinguished faculty members bring extensive experience and expertise to the classroom, ensuring a strong foundation in this crucial field. We offer a range of programs, from criminal law and criminology to law enforcement and corrections. Our curriculum emphasizes the values of fairness, ethics, and social responsibility, empowering students to make a positive impact in the world of criminal justice.

Our Achievements



Grads’ Employment Rate



Students Recruited By Multinationals



Satisfied Students



Grads Have Become Successful Entrepreneurs

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Prepared Graduates for the Workforce

In the Institute of Criminal Justice, we prepare you for a career committed to upholding justice and ensuring public safety. Our programs are meticulously crafted in collaboration with seasoned professionals in the field, ensuring that you graduate with the skills and expertise necessary to have an immediate impact in the realm of criminal justice.

Internship and Cooperative Education Opportunities

In the Institute of Criminal Justice at UONC, we acknowledge the immense value of hands-on training in the field of law enforcement and justice. Our criminal justice programs present a wide array of internship and co-op opportunities, allowing you to work alongside seasoned professionals, gain insight into the complexities of the criminal justice system, and contribute positively to your community. Join us as we venture into uncharted territories in the pursuit of justice.

Varied Areas of Expertise

In the realm of law enforcement and justice, we acknowledge the multifaceted nature of the field. At the Institute of Criminal Justice, our criminal justice programs encompass diverse specializations, including criminal law, criminology, law enforcement, and more. We empower you to follow your interests and career aspirations, enabling you to craft your distinct path in the field of criminal justice.